
How to Make a Fitness App Like Freeletics?

People's workout routines are being shaken up thanks to fitness applications. The feasibility and affordability of a fitness app are deeply ingrained in the post-pandemic age.

With a 45 percent increase in the number of users, the worldwide fitness app market is expected to reach $3.5 billion in 2023. By 2026, the industry is estimated to be worth roughly $14 billion. Given the shift in the average person's fitness routines, you might wish to produce something similar to this colossal software for everyone - after all, people have grown accustomed to exercising from the comfort of their own homes, and your idea could be useful to everybody.

Let's have a look at this guide to see how to make a fitness app.

A Fitness App's Must-Have Features

User Personalization

This feature is all about personalizing a set of services for the user. It refers to the use of user data such as age, weight, and height to create individualized training and diet routines. Personalization plays a critical function in a daily workout routine app due to the ease with which it improves the user experience.

Integrations with Wearables

Fitness enthusiasts use equipment to keep track of their health objectives and activities. Smart wearables are now the best tool to persuade people to stick to their diet and exercise routines. This is enough to convince you of the importance of synchronizing your app, fitness tracker, and smartphone.

Goal-setting and a summary of user activities

This feature prompts you to consider why you wanted to make a fitness app in the first place. You want to assist the user grind, shed/build, and win the desired fitness level before anything else. To be able to provide them with a platform on which to set objectives and track progress, you'll need the goal-setting capability.


Figures, such as sets and repetitions, minutes and hours, calories, and so on, are commonly used to demonstrate fitness activities. Everything is accounted for in a daily fitness regimen app, from kilometers to kilogrammes. The data plays an important part in the app since it allows the user to track their development in a measurable way and generates motivation to continue using the app and improve.

Video Instructions

When it comes to information perception, each fitness mobile app user has their own preferences. People who prefer to navigate content visually prefer video tutorials. As a result, it's critical that your app includes video tutorials to demonstrate various training routines.


Gamification is the process of incorporating gaming features into non-game platforms. The game element can have a significant impact on how consumers interact with your fitness app. Changing a conventional fitness routine to a game-based environment will enliven the user's experience and keep the task from becoming monotonous.

How to Develop an App Like Freeletics?

Now, if you'd like to start putting your idea for a fitness app into action, here's a step-by-step approach to help you hit the ground running:

Learn about the Monetization Model.

You must understand what your route to a successful platform should be, whether you are signing up for a freemium or working with fitness-centric firms.

Make Your Objectives and Requirements Visible

You can only begin working on your fitness app development project after you've identified a number of criteria that will shape your app's perfect personality. You'll do the following in this stage:

  • Define the plan that will be needed for the duration of your project.
  • Recognize how much work your project will entail.
  • Plan and organize your resources.
  • Determine the budget for the MVP.
  • Define the functional aspects.

Select a Tech Stack

You move on to the next essential step of the process with the fitness app development roadmap in hand. The correct tech stack for fitness app development is more critical than you might realize, and you should take your time at this stage.

Hire a Fitness App Development Team

If you're going to create an app like Freeletics, you'll need to hire fitness app developers who are highly skilled and certified. You should set aside some time to engage app developers with experience in this field in order to ripen the best fruits.

Construct, test, and fine-tune

After several bouts of hustling, you've finally arrived at a point when things are starting to move forward. This stage of the fitness mobile app development process introduces coding and requires you to do a slew of errands, including testing, reviewing, and providing feedback, among other things.

How much does it cost to develop a fitness app?

The cost of building a fitness app is determined by a number of factors. The following are some of the primary elements that influence the cost of designing a fitness app:

  • Functions and features
  • Integrations with third parties
  • The number of fitness app developers who have been hired
  • The fitness app development company's geolocation
  • UI/UX
  • Platform chosen for app development
  • Stack of technology
  • QA 

You will need to enlist the assistance of the fitness app development firm that is assisting you with the project to discover the actual cost. Experts will be able to calculate the exact price after taking into account all of the variables, and you will receive a quote that is in line with your strategy.


Developing a fitness app might be a difficult task. Every step of the way, from meditating on requirements and building a plan to employing resources and bouncing between different activities, requires your undivided attention. Then there are expense estimates and conclusions to consider. However, now that you know how to make a fitness and training app, you should be able to approach each challenge with caution.

Hiring knowledgeable and professional fitness app developers is critical to moving the project forward. IT Kamtech can assist you in transforming your concept into the desired outcome using a cutting-edge technique. You expect your project to be innovative, and we work hard to ensure that your expectations are met. So, don't wait any longer and contact us to get started on your fitness app development project.

Saksham Gupta CTO, Director

An engineering graduate from Germany, specializations include Artificial Intelligence, Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality and Digital Transformation. Have experience working with Mercedes in the field of digital transformation and data analytics. Currently heading the European branch office of Kamtech, responsible for digital transformation, VR/AR/MR projects, AI/ML projects, technology transfer between EU and India and International Partnerships.

Website: https://www.linkedin.com/in/saksham-gupta-de/